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How to Use Ear Bulb Syringe: A Simple Guide for Safe Earwax Removal

How to Use Ear Bulb Syringe: A Simple Guide for Safe Earwax Removal
How to Use Ear Bulb Syringe: A Simple Guide for Safe Earwax Removal

Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural material in our ear canals. Its job is to trap dust, dirt, bacteria, and even insects and prevent them from going beyond the ear canal. Some people who produce more earwax or have smaller ear canals experience blockage and thus require thorough cleaning using a bulb syringe. But most people don’t know how to use ear bulb syringe.

Ear bulb syringes are employed to remove earwax

Ear bulb syringes are employed to remove earwax

In this article, we will learn how to use ear bulb syringe as a step-by-step has been compiled. In addition, some of the tips for preventing possible ear infections have also been given.

What is an Ear Bulb Syringe?

A bulb syringe is a medical tool employed for the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity, milk, formula, or saliva from the mouth, as well as wax from the ear canal. When a bulb syringe is used for the treatment of earwax blockage, it is called an ear bulb syringe.

In all cases, a bulb syringe creates a suction that pulls the material out of the cavity. Especially in children, the use of a bulb syringe for clearing the earwax buildup is a quick and safer way as the risk of harm to the eardrum is minimal.

Symptoms of Clogged Ears That Need Immediate Cleaning

· Pain

· Dizziness

· Muffled hearing

· Tinnitus or ringing of the ears

· Feeling blockage in the ears

How to Use Ear Bulb Syringe?

While learning how to use ear bulb syringe to remove earwax, the following steps must be kept in mind:

1.      Prepare the Affected Ear

As earwax is thick and highly viscous, it cannot be pulled out by the bulb syringe as such. Rather, there is a need to soften it. For this purpose, a few drops of olive oil, mineral oil, or baby oil should be put in the affected ear. This will help loosen the earwax which would then become easy to suck out.

Specially formulated ear oils are also available in the market that can be substituted with natural oils. For instance, sodium bicarbonate drops are available over-the-counter in pharmacies near you that can be bought and used. While learning how to use ear bulb syringe, remember that this step needs to be performed for 2 to 3 weeks before removing the earwax as its thinning takes time.

You can put the oil drops while you are in the shower or it can be done while lying down. You simply need to tilt your head to one side and put a few drops in the ear canal. Remain in this position for 5 to 10 minutes.

Ear drops and ear bulb syringes are two effective methods of removing earwax

Ear drops and ear bulb syringes are two effective methods of removing earwax

2.      Prepare the Ear Bulb Syringe

The next step in learning how to use ear bulb syringe is to prepare the device. Most bulb syringes are disposable and are for a single application. If you have one of these, just take it out and fill it with water.

However, if you have a reusable bulb syringe that has been employed before, make sure to confirm that the product does not have mold buildup in it. It should look completely dry and no change in color on any section should be detected. If there is mold, this bulb syringe cannot be used due to an enhanced risk of a possible ear infection. Therefore, replace this product with a new one.

3.      Fill the Bulb Syringe with Water

Once you are done inspecting your bulb syringe, the next step in learning how to use ear bulb syringe is to fill it with water. Water will help clear out the softened wax from the blocked ears. Here, the temperature of the water is crucial as too cold or too hot water can either burn your ear canal or make you feel dizzy.

Ideally, warm water with a temperature of about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius should be used. Fill this water in a bowl. Squeeze the bulb syringe to let out all the air and submerge it in this warm water. Once the tip of the syringe is dipped in the water, release the pressure on the bulb. This will allow the water to fill into the bulb.

4.      Dislodge the Ear Wax

Put a clean towel over your shoulders. Hold your ear and gently pull it up. This will straighten your ear canal. Now, put the tip of the ear bulb syringe in the outer ear and gently squirt the water into the ear canal. This water will mix with the pre-softened earwax and dislodge it from its place. This step is crucial while learning how to use ear bulb syringe as the product will not work if the wax is too hard.

5.      Drain the Ear Canal

After about 1 to 3 minutes, tilt your head over the sink and the wax will drain out. Repeat the procedure multiple times to flush all the water and earwax out of the ear. Once one ear has been thoroughly cleaned, you can apply the same method on the other ear as well.

Instead of putting water in the ear canal, there is another way to wash the earwax out while learning how to use ear bulb syringe. You can also wash the canal with a thin but constant stream of water. This can be done by filling the bulb syringe with warm water and releasing the bulb in a controlled manner to maintain the flow. Perform this procedure while being near the catch basin as the water will run out of the ear canal at a greater speed.

Earwax in babies can be effectively removed using ear bulb syringes

Earwax in babies can be effectively removed using ear bulb syringes


While learning how to use ear bulb syringe, keep in mind the following:

  • If you feel any discomfort or pain during the procedure, discontinue immediately.
  • If the earwax is not coming out even after several attempts, it is best to contact a doctor and seek professional medical advice.
  • Always wash the reusable ear bulb syringe and air dry it before storage.

Ear Infections Associated with the Use of Ear Bulb Syringe

When it comes to learning how to use ear bulb syringe, some people report that they develop recurrent ear infections after the procedure. This is because the bacteria are getting in your ears with the bulb syringe and the water being used for cleaning.

Fortunately, there is a simple, home-based tip to prevent this. Mix vinegar with water in equal parts and use it to rinse your ears after ear syringing. When done twice a week, the method not only prevents the infection but also restricts an existing ear infection from coming back.

bulb syringes can also be used in baby’s mouth

The use of ear bulb syringes gives better access to the ear canal

Ear Bulb Syringes at Health Supply 770: Features and Specifications

Earwax cleaning is a task that, if not done correctly, can lead to ear damage. People use pointed objects to remove the wax that often hurts the eardrum. In some cases, the damage is so severe that surgery is performed to fix the ruptured eardrum. An easy way to do so is the use of ear bulb syringes.

While learning how to use ear bulb syringe, it is also essential to look into some of its reliable brands. Some of these ear bulb syringes are also available at Health Supply 770 and have been detailed below along with their features and purchase links:

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50


Product Details

143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringe is a product that can be employed for cleaning earwax in both adults as well as children. The product is sterile and comes in an appealing bluish-green color with the dimensions 2.35 x 1.42 x 1.11 inches. The product weighs 1.76 ounces. Each 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringe has a capacity of up to 3 ounces (oz.). Being a product of Busse Hospital Disposables, the product has high reliability as well as effectiveness.

While learning how to use ear bulb syringe, it is essential to keep in mind that the product should not be irritant to the skin. As these 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes are made up of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), their flexibility is exceptional and therefore the risk of getting ear damage due to their use is minimal.

Moreover, these products are also free from toxic chemical agents like DEHP, and BPA, as well as natural rubber latex. As latex is a known irritant to many people, being free from it renders the product even more suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Furthermore, these 143 disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes are disposable products that are designed for single use only. Therefore, the need to wash the ear bulb syringe after every use is eliminated. The presence of a pronounced ribbon structure on the bulb allows the user to hold the syringe without slippage. As a result, people do not hurt themselves by accidentally slipping off the product while it is inserted into the ear canal.

In addition, the tapered tips of these 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes also make them suitable for aspiration as well as irrigation purposes. This is because the design allows the suctioning power of the product to increase which results in effective clearing out of the earwax. Moreover, the design also adds to the enhanced volume control that is essential while learning how to use ear bulb syringe.

To make the ear bulb syringe stand on its own, the end of the product is made flat so that it can stand on itself without needing any support. Each pack of 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes comes with 50 pieces that are individually packed in flexible plastic pouches to keep them sterile until use.

Welch Allyn Inc 29360 Welch Ear Tip for Wash System, CS100




Product Details

Welch Allyn wash system is an assembly employed for washing the ear canal. It comes with an angled tip that sends the irrigation solution directly into the ear canal at a pre-specified flow rate. This way, the ear wax can be flushed out with ease.

The Welch Allyn Inc 29360 tip is made up of soft and flexible material to render the user experience comfortable. Moreover, these can be adjusted with multiple Welch Allyn ear-cleaning products, a feature that makes them versatile.

Once its job is done, these Welch Allyn tips should be discarded as they are for a single use only. These electric products should also be looked into while learning how to use ear bulb syringe.

*Note: The prices mentioned in the article are taken from the Health Supply 770 website. These may vary over time.

Using an earbud can damage the eardrum and thus impact hearing

Using an earbud can damage the eardrum and thus impact hearing

The ear bulb syringes mentioned in this article while learning how to use ear bulb syringe, along with many other medical supplies, can be purchased from Health Supply 770 a reliable name when it comes to medical products. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee and provide your products to you in the shortest possible time. Click the link at the end of the article to check the wide range of products for babies as well as adults.


Earwax removal is an easy and quick method when it comes to cleaning your ear canal. Most people can do it using an ear bud but that is risky as the chances of eardrum damage are significant. Therefore, learning how to use ear bulb syringe can come in handy owing to the safety and effectiveness of the method.

While learning how to use ear bulb syringe, the instructions summarized in the article provide a detailed guide to perform the method safely. The method might feel a little discomforting to some but it is not painful. However, if you do feel pain during the procedure, immediately stop and seek help from a healthcare provider.

Considering how easy it is to use an ear bulb syringe, it is essential to keep the product in home settings. For purchasing different kinds of products after learning how to use ear bulb syringe, reliable vendors like Health Supply 770 should be approached. They ensure the provision of quality products along with satisfactory services.

Uzma Zafar

PhD Scholar (Pharmaceutics), MPhil (Pharmaceutics), Pharm D, B. Sc.

Uzma Zafar is a dedicated and highly motivated pharmaceutical professional currently pursuing her PhD in Pharmaceutics at the Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab. With a comprehensive academic and research background, Uzma has consistently excelled in her studies, securing first division throughout her educational journey.

Uzma’s passion for the pharmaceutical field is evident from her active engagement during her Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) program, where she not only mastered industrial techniques and clinical case studies but also delved into marketing strategies and management skills.

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