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Essential Medical Equipment for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Monitoring

Essential Medical Equipment for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Monitoring
Essential Medical Equipment for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Monitoring

Essential Medical Equipment for

Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Monitoring

Among cancers, lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death. Solely in the United States, the disease engulfs roughly 125,070 lives every year as per the statistics presented by the Lung Cancer Research Foundation. Nowadays, many novel cancer treatments are in clinical trials and are soon to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The target is to achieve a system that eliminates cancer at any stage. However, until then, our only hope is an early diagnosis and immediate onset of treatment with the use of essential medical equipment for lung cancer.

A comparison of healthy lungs with cancerous lungs

A comparison of healthy lungs with cancerous lungs

Keeping in view the need, a list of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer diagnosis has been given in the following article.

Essential Medical Equipment for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

The essential medical equipment for lung cancer diagnosis includes the following:

1.      Imaging Equipment for Lung Cancer Screening

The imaging instruments provide a three-dimensional or 3D view of the lungs which assists in making a diagnosis. These include the following:

CT Scanners

A CT scanner stands for a computed tomography scanner and is one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer. These are the specialized machines that are capable of generating a detailed view of the lungs by taking multiple cross-sectional images. This way, the doctors can visualize the inside of the lungs clearly, and thus the detection of a tumor, its location, as well as the estimation of its size becomes possible.

PET-CT Scanners

The PET-CT scanner or positron emission tomography-computed tomography scanner is a hybrid of PET and CT scanning machines and is an essential medical equipment for lung cancer. The instrument is ideal for estimating the level of metabolic activity in the body tissues. This way, the differentiation of cancerous tissue from non-cancerous ones becomes possible as cancerous cells have a higher metabolic rate.

MRI Scanners

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI scanners are one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer. These are employed for getting high-resolution images of the lung tissues. These are often employed for checking if the cancer has metastasized to other organs.

X-ray Machines

X-ray machines are used for the detection of abnormalities in the lungs. These are not as sensitive as a CT scanner or a PET-CT scanner but can be used as preliminary diagnostic equipment.

Every 1 in 16 men and 1 in 17 women will be diagnosed with lung cancer at some point in their lives.

Lung Cancer Research Foundation

2.      Bronchoscopic Equipment

Bronchoscopy refers to the procedure which helps in the visualization of the interior sections of the air passageway. This is done using the following bronchoscopic equipment which is part of some of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer:

Flexible Bronchoscope

A flexible bronchoscope is employed when there is a need to look into the lungs. The instrument is so designed that it can not only visualize but also conduct tissue or mucus sampling from the lungs which are needed for biopsy. This has rendered it one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer. It works by inserting the bronchoscope into the lungs. An attached light source and image processor help take the images and then display them on the computer.

Rigid Bronchoscope

A rigid bronchoscope is a hollow metallic tube that is straight in appearance. Just like the flexible bronchoscope, the instrument is inserted into the air passageway. However, its primary purpose is to allow the delivery of medications as well as other devices into the lungs. In addition, cancerous mass, excessive mucus, as well as any foreign object can also be removed with the device. Hence, it is one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer.

Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)

In endobronchial ultrasound, sound waves are bombarded onto the lungs which takes the images of the cancerous tissue as well as the nearby lymph nodes and displays them on the screen. As the method is minimally invasive, it is often used for conducting biopsies.

A CT scan can also reveal the presence of cancer in the lung tissue

A CT scan can also reveal the presence of cancer in the lung tissue

3.      Biopsy Tools

A biopsy is a procedure that involves the removal of cells or tissues from an organ in which cancer is suspected. The essential medical equipment for lung cancer required for this process includes the following:

Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Apparatus

Fine needle aspiration is a biopsy process that uses a small thin needle to collect cell and tissue samples from the lungs. In addition, its applications involve the collection of fluids, lymph node sampling, as well as sampling of the lung nodules.

Core Needle Biopsy

The core needle biopsy machine is one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer. It is an instrument that can extract larger tissue samples as compared to the FNA. This way, a more comprehensive pathological analysis becomes possible. The apparatus involves a spring-loaded device which is easy to handle and depicts high accuracy.

Thoracentesis Kit

A thoracentesis kit is employed for the removal of air or any type of fluid from the pleural cavity, an area surrounding the lungs. The test is performed to confirm the presence of a tumor in the lungs as some of the cancer cells leach out into the pleural fluid and thus give away the presence of lung cancer.

4.      Pulmonary Function Testing Equipment

Pulmonary function testing equipment is essential medical equipment for lung cancer as it is used for checking the well-being of the lung tissue. Two of the commonly used PFTs include:


A spirometer is a simple device that is used to estimate the capacity of the lungs to take air and expel it. In addition, the speed at which the lungs can do so is also evaluated. If your lung capacity is higher, it is an indication that they are in good condition and there is no risk of lung cancer.


A plethysmography instrument is utilized for detecting any changes in the volume of an organ. In the case of lungs, the device gives away lung capacity as well as airway resistance. The device also checks how much air can a person inhale and exhale.

Lung scan helps in indicating the presence of cancerous mass

Lung scan helps in indicating the presence of cancerous mass

5.      Laboratory Diagnostic Tools

Apart from the above-mentioned devices, a relatively simpler method is to check the state of the lungs by conducting laboratory diagnostic tests. In the case of lung cancer, these include the following:

Histopathology Lab Equipment

For histology studies, instruments like microscopes and staining tools are required for the examination of the fluid and tissue samples collected during biopsy tests.

Molecular Testing Kits

Molecular testing kits are used for the identification of mutations like EGFR, ALK, and KRAS which might have occurred in the lung tissue and might be the cause of cancer. This allows the provision of targeted lung cancer therapy which maximizes the effectiveness of the treatments while causing minimum side effects.

6.      Blood Test Analyzers

Blood test analysis methods are also another way of confirming if a patient has lung cancer. These include the following tests as done by some of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer:

Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) Tests

The circulating tumor DNA test is conducted for the analysis of the DNA of tumor cells. Apart from diagnosing the disease, cDNA tests are also helpful in monitoring how well a patient’s body is responding to the treatments. In addition, cancer recurrence can also be identified.

Complete Blood Count (CBC) Machines

A complete blood count CBC is a test that evaluates how many blood cells. This is often conducted to check if the patient is anemic or has an infection. In the case of anemia, red blood cells (RBCs) are in low concentration while higher than normal concentrations of white blood cells or WBCs give away an infection.

7.      Monitoring Equipment

Monitoring equipment is also one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer. It is needed for checking the parameters like oxygen saturation as well as the heartbeat of the patient during treatment. For this purpose, the following devices are required:

Pulse Oximeter

A pulse oximeter is a small device that is attached to the patient’s index finger. It keeps on checking the oxygen saturation in the blood and displays the reading on its screen. This way, the doctors can keep an eye on the blood oxygen concentration and give the necessary assistance if the levels fall below normal.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Almost everyone is aware of what an electrocardiogram is. It is an instrument to measure cardiac function by checking its rhythm. This is relevant to lung cancer therapy because the treatments being given to the patient such as chemotherapy can affect the heart function.

Portable Oxygen Concentrators

Portable oxygen concentrators are small-sized devices that concentrate the oxygen from the air and provide it to the patient to ease the breathing process. Its use is extensive in lung cancer patients as difficulty breathing is a common symptom associated with the disease.

An early diagnosis increases the chances of survival

An early diagnosis increases the chances of survival

8.      Surgical Instruments for Biopsy and Resection

If the tumor is localized, lung surgery is the best option. In this regard, the following equipment is often required:

Thoracoscopy Equipment

Thoracoscopy is a procedure that involves the visualization of the chest cavity, lungs, as well as pleural membrane. This is a minimally invasive procedure conducted with a small guided camera along with a light source. Biopsies as well as resections are often performed using the device. Therefore, it is considered one of the essential medical equipment for lung cancer.

Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS)

Video-assisted thoracic surgery is a method used for the removal of tumors. It is preferred over regular surgery because it requires only a small incision to insert the surgical tools into the body which is less painful for the patient. In addition, the overall recovery time is also shortened.

9.      Radiotherapy and Lung Cancer Treatment Planning

Radiotherapy is performed to destroy the cancer cells by bombarding them with high-energy radiation. It is done by using the given equipment:

Linear Accelerator (LINAC)

A linear accelerator is a highly precise machine that directs a beam of high-energy rays on the body. The projection of this beam at the chest externally affects the cancer cells within the lungs. As a result, the cancer cells start to shrink and die. Sometimes, the method is also employed to prevent the recurrence of cancer.

Brachytherapy Equipment

Brachytherapy is another method involved in the direction of the cancer-killing high-energy radiations on the tumors. The technique employs a catheter that takes radioactive material as close to the cancerous mass as possible. These radiations affect the tumors directly and thus their efficacy is elevated.

pulse oximeter

A pulse oximeter helps indicate the oxygen saturation of the lung cancer patient

The above-mentioned essential medical equipment for lung cancer, along with many other medical devices, can be ordered from Health Supply 770, a reliable name when it comes to medical products. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee and provide your products to you in the shortest possible time. Click the link given in the article to check out the wide range of essential medical equipment for lung cancer.

Bottom Line

Lung cancer is a disease that affects a large number of individuals all over the world. With the rise in air pollution levels, the danger of getting affected by lung cancer has skyrocketed and people are inhaling mutation-causing chemical substances at a dangerously higher rate.

In addition to certain preventive measures, emphasis should also be given to the diagnostic tools that can help give away the presence of cancer in the lung tissue at its earlier stages. Once properly diagnosed in terms of its size and location, management tools can be employed for its shrinking or removal.

The presence of these tools has not only helped physicians in reducing the dangers of lung cancer but has also paved the way towards the complete elimination of the disease.

For purchasing top-quality essential medical equipment for lung cancer, reliable vendors like Health Supply 770 should be approached. They ensure the provision of quality products along with satisfactory services.



Uzma Zafar

PhD Scholar (Pharmaceutics), MPhil (Pharmaceutics), Pharm D, B. Sc.

Uzma Zafar is a dedicated and highly motivated pharmaceutical professional currently pursuing her PhD in Pharmaceutics at the Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab. With a comprehensive academic and research background, Uzma has consistently excelled in her studies, securing first division throughout her educational journey.

Uzma’s passion for the pharmaceutical field is evident from her active engagement during her Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) program, where she not only mastered industrial techniques and clinical case studies but also delved into marketing strategies and management skills.

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