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The Role of Sodium Chloride in Infection Control During Wound Care

The Role of Sodium Chloride in Infection Control During Wound Care
The Role of Sodium Chloride in Infection Control During Wound Care

The Role of Sodium Chloride in Infection Control During Wound Care

Did you know that the sodium chloride you often use to salt your potato chips has the potential to heal wounds? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the presence of an infection at the wounded or surgical site increases the risk of mortality by 2 to 10 folds. If proper wound care is taken, these infectious states are preventable. In this regard, the antiseptic role of sodium chloride is often debated.

Sodium chloride is an important component of our diet as well as many essential medicines

Sodium chloride is an important component of our diet as well as many essential medicines

In this article, let us dive into the benefits of sodium chloride in controlling infections in wounded areas and find out if the method is as efficacious as claimed.

What is Sodium Chloride?

Sodium chloride commonly known as table salt, rock salt, or common salt, is a food item that we use on a daily basis in our food. Being an ionic compound made up of two ions i.e. an inorganic sodium ion and an inorganic chloride ion, sodium chloride has a chemical formula NaCl. The combination of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloride acid (HCl) produces salt and it is naturally found in rock salt deposits and oceans from where it can be separated and purified.

Sodium Chloride Solutions

Sodium chloride is often used in healthcare by adding it into sterile water in different concentrations. The aqueous solutions thus formed include:

  • 0.9% Sodium chloride solution often called normal saline (NS)
  • 0.45% Sodium chloride solution often called half normal saline (HNS)
  • 3% Sodium chloride solution also known as hypertonic saline

Tonicity of Sodium Chloride Solutions

Among the aqueous NaCl intravenous solutions, 0.9% normal saline is isotonic while the 0.45% sodium chloride solution is hypotonic in nature. However, the 3% sodium chloride solution is hypertonic. Because of their varying tonicities, all three of these solutions have different purposes and uses in medical settings.

0.9% Sodium chloride is employed as an electrolyte replenisher

0.9% Sodium chloride is employed as an electrolyte replenisher

Benefits of Using Sodium Chloride Solutions in Medical Settings

The following are some of the associated benefits of sodium chloride solutions in healthcare:

Sodium Chloride Solution Uses
0.9% Sodium Chloride Solution (NS) Water balance

Fluid resuscitation

Blood transfusion

Management of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea

Management of gastrointestinal tract suctioning losses

Management of hyponatremia (low sodium levels)

Drainage of wounds

Restoration of electrolyte balance

0.45% Sodium Chloride Solution (HNS) Fluid balance for the management of dehydration

Treatment of hypernatremia (high sodium levels)

3% Sodium Chloride Solution Treatment of hyponatremia

Management of cerebral edema

Apart from these IV solutions administered in the form of drips, sodium chloride products are also in the following forms to achieve several benefits:

  • Sodium chloride is a wound-cleaning agent as it creates an antiseptic environment around the affected area.
  • It is also incorporated into eye drops which can help reduce the redness, dryness, as well as tearing.
  • Inhalation products also have sodium chloride which helps clean mucus out of the air passageway.
  • Sodium chloride is added into nasal irrigation drops which relieve congestion and keep the pathway clean and moist.
  • Saline flush injections are also employed for cleaning the catheters or IV systems.

Mechanism of Action in Infection Control in Wound Care

Sodium chloride decreases the likelihood of infections by reducing the bacterial load on the wounded area. This is because sodium chloride is highly antiseptic and can thus has the potential to break the cell membranes of bacteria.

The mechanism behind this bactericidal (i.e. bacteria-killing) activity is osmosis, the property which forces the fluid out of the bacterial cell. As a result, the cell shrinks and ultimately breaks down.

Another way sodium chloride decreases bacterial load is by disrupting the biofilms. Biofilms are the clusters of bacterial cells that are responsible for causing chronic infections. When exposed to high concentrations of sodium chloride, the process of biofilm formation is hindered and thus the risk of infection is reduced.

A wound cleanser is an essential component of wound care kits

Sodium chloride helps wound healing by providing an antiseptic environment

Types of Wounds Treated with Sodium Chloride

Sodium chloride can be employed on different kinds of wounds ranging from acute to chronic ones. The following are some of the best practices for using sodium chloride on different wound types:

1.      Acute Wounds

Acute wounds like minor cuts and scrapes are sensitive in terms of getting infected quickly. To prevent the risk, sodium chloride solutions are employed for cleaning such wounds. Soaking the wound in a 7% solution of table salt can also help dry the wound rapidly and promote the growth of new tissue.

2.      Chronic Wounds

Chronic wounds are always at risk of getting infected. As discussed above, by applying sodium chloride-based products on these wounds, the formation of biofilms can be prevented thus the chances of infections are lowered.

3.      Infected Wounds

In case of a wound that is already infected, the first step is to thoroughly clean the wound and remove any debris. For this purpose, normal saline is employed as an irrigation solution. The solution can be applied either gently or under a pressure of 8 psi (pounds per square inch).

For wound irrigation, commercially available Normal Saline brands can be used. You can also prepare a saline solution at home by adding salt to distilled water. Give this mixture a boil and cool down until it reaches room temperature before it’s ready to use. The detailed method has been given as follows:

Sodium chloride is often used in unprocessed foods, processed meat products, as well as industrial processes

Sodium chloride is often used in unprocessed foods, processed meat products, as well as industrial processes

Comparative Analysis: Sodium Chloride vs. Other Antiseptics

When we talk about the antiseptic activity of sodium chloride, it is fitting to make a comparison with other commonly used antiseptic agents such as iodine and hydrogen peroxide. The following section presents a summary of advantages of sodium chloride over other antiseptics as well as a comparison of their effectiveness in wound care:

A study was conducted for evaluating the effects of povidone-iodine, silver sulfadiazine, as well as saline solution on the prevention of infections. It was revealed that there is no difference in the antiseptic activity of these three compounds thus confirming that saline solutions are as effective as iodine and other antiseptic options.

As for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), its 3% solution is effective as an antiseptic agent. However, the efficacy is comparable to that of 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Hence, it can be concluded that normal saline, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, as well as 4% or 7.5% povidone-iodine solution are effective as antiseptic agents.

However, in terms of the benefits sodium chloride can provide over the other two, it is safe to say that normal saline is safe as well as easy to prepare and use in comparison to the other antiseptic solutions.

Guidelines for Effective Use of Table Salt in Wound Care

Using sodium chloride for wound care is a simple and effective process. The following are some of the quick tips for effective sodium chloride application which are beneficial for both healthcare professionals as well as caregivers in home settings:

Wash Your Hands

While dealing with wounds, you should always start by washing your hands for at least 20 seconds. This will ensure that the patient will not get any infectious microbe from you which can become the potential cause of an infection.

Clean the Wound Debris

The next step is to clean the debris from the wound. This usually includes dead cells, dirt, blood, etc. For this purpose, normal saline (0.9% Sodium chloride solution) can be employed. If the solution is not available, you can also use tap water which must meet the drinking standards.

Using saline solution, clean the wound thoroughly. Keep rinsing until the area looks clean. Once cleaned, pat the area gently to remove the solution. Never rub.

You can dip a clean cloth or gauze dressing into normal saline and wipe the area with it.

Preparing Normal Saline

When you are done using normal saline from a commercially available bottle, discard the remaining solution as it is no longer sterile.

If you are preparing saline solution at home, use the given methods:

  • Take 1 quart of distilled water. This will be equal to 4 cups or 1 liter (1000 ml).
  • If you do not have distilled water, do not worry as you can also use tap water. In this case, you need to boil 4 cups of tap water for at least 20 minutes or until it is boiled. This will remove harmful bacteria and other microbes from the water.
  • Now add 2 teaspoons of table salt in it and mix until completely dissolved. Make sure that your salt is not iodized.
  • Once prepared, cool the normal saline at room temperature.
  • Store it in a tightly closed glass or plastic container.
  • Homemade saline solution should be used within 24 hours of its preparation as there is a high risk of its contamination. If you need it the next day as well, make a fresh solution.
Salt crystals are dissolved in a suitable diluent and a delivery system is obtained

Salt crystals are dissolved in a suitable diluent and a delivery system is obtained

What is the best solution for wound cleaning?

Normal saline (0.9% Sodium chloride solution) is the best antiseptic solution for wound care. It is non-toxic, non-allergic, safe to use, as well as cost-effective.

Safety and Side Effects

Despite being classified as ‘safe’ by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), products containing sodium chloride can cause certain side effects when mishandled. These include the following:

  • Redness and pain on the skin
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Muscle cramps
  • Stiffness
  • Formation of scars

To prevent such issues, it is best to avoid using solutions that have high concentrations of sodium chloride. In addition, the use should also be discontinued if the symptoms appear.

Future Trends in Wound Care: Innovations with Rock Salt

New techniques and technologies are being experimented on to ease the process of wound healing. Many of these future directions involve the use sodium chloride owing to its effectiveness in infection control. Many medical companies have already introduced sodium chloride dressings which promote wound healing in a safe way.

One such product is the Molnlycke Mesalt Sodium Chloride Impregnated Dressing which is sterile and comes in different sizes as well as strengths. Similarly, Saline Flush Solutions are also available which help clear wound debris.

These products are linked below from where you can easily place an order for yourself or for your loved ones. In addition, a link to the Health Supply 770 Wound Care Products has also been provided.

Apart from these, efforts are being made to extend this product range by developing newer products that can further facilitate wound care.

Excessive sodium intake which exceeds the dietary guidelines can result in high blood pressure

Excessive sodium intake which exceeds the dietary guidelines can result in high blood pressure

The different types of sodium chloride-based solutions, along with many other medical supplies, can be ordered from Health Supply 770, a reliable name when it comes to medical products. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee and provide your products to you in the shortest possible time. Click the link given in the article to check out a wide range of medical products.

Bottom Line

Apart from the food industry, sodium chloride has a number of medical benefits as well. It is used for preparing intravenous solutions which are administered for different purposes such as fluid imbalance, management of dehydration, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, saline solution is also a good option when it comes to treating diarrheal condition.

Furthermore, sodium chloride has extensive application in wound care. Due to its antiseptic properties, sodium chloride kills the bacterial cells present in the wounded area and thus keeps the injury free from microbes.

When a comparison is made with commonly used antiseptic products such as iodine and hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride is found to be no less than these in terms of its efficacy. However, sodium chloride-based products also enjoy some superiority because of being cost-effective, non-toxic, as well as safe.

For purchasing the different types of sodium chloride-based products or wound care supplies, reliable vendors like Health Supply 770 should be approached. They ensure the provision of quality products along with satisfactory services.

Health Supply 770: Our Wound Care Products Range

285280 MESALT CLEANSING DRESSING W/20% SODIUM CHLORIDE 2X200cm CS80 Mesalt Cleansing Dressing with Sodium Chloride
Manufacturer: Molnlycke

Application: Wound Care

Ingredients: Sodium Chloride, 20% Strength

Quantity: 80 Dressings per Pack

Price: US$236.80



Nurse Assist Sterile Saline Wound Flush Nurse Assist Sterile Saline Wound Flush
Manufacturer: Nurse Assist

Application: Wound Care

Ingredients: 0.9% Sodium Chloride

Quantity: 12 Cans per Case (7.1 oz. per can)

Price: US$86.88




Uzma Zafar

PhD Scholar (Pharmaceutics), MPhil (Pharmaceutics), Pharm D, B. Sc.

Uzma Zafar is a dedicated and highly motivated pharmaceutical professional currently pursuing her PhD in Pharmaceutics at the Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab. With a comprehensive academic and research background, Uzma has consistently excelled in her studies, securing first division throughout her educational journey.

Uzma’s passion for the pharmaceutical field is evident from her active engagement during her Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) program, where she not only mastered industrial techniques and clinical case studies but also delved into marketing strategies and management skills.

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