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What is a Bulb Syringe?

What is a Bulb Syringe?
What is a Bulb Syringe?

If you have children, you would know that issues like stuffy noses and colds are common with them. Stanford Medicine classifies upper respiratory infections as the most common illnesses among children. Every year, a child gets between 6 to 8 episodes of common cold. As a management tool, the use of a bulb syringe for suctioning the nose of a baby is often talked about.

A mother is suctioning the baby’s stuffed nose with a bulb syringe

A mother is suctioning the baby’s stuffed nose with a bulb syringe

In this article, let us learn what bulbous syringes or nasal aspirators are and how they work.

What is a Bulb Syringe?

A bulb syringe is a small device that is employed for removing mucus and other particles from the nasal or oral cavity of the babies. The bulbs of these syringes are made up of rubber and are thus soft and compressible. Their use is common when a baby needs assistance while breathing in case of a stuffy or congested nose. In addition, these bulb syringes can also be used for feeding the babies.

Use of Bulb Syringe/Nasal Aspirator for Nasal Suctioning

If your baby has a stuffed nose, using a bulb syringe to remove mucus is an option to ease his/her trouble. This can be done by using a bulb syringe to suction mucus from the baby’s nose. To do so, normal saline solution is used which can be either prepared at home or can be bought online from a trusted vendor like Health Supply 770.

Making Saline Nose Drops at Home

For a homemade saline solution, dissolve ¼ level teaspoon of non-iodized table salt (sodium chloride) into warm water in a quantity of 8 ounces. Mix well and keep the solution in a clean covered jar for a week.

For using a bulb syringe in the nasal cavity, the following steps must be followed:

  • Lay your baby in a position where he or she is facing the ceiling. Make sure their head is positioned in a way that the chin is slightly tilted.
  • Drop three to four drops of saline solution into one nostril using a nose dropper. Let the nasal saline drops mix with mucus for one minute.
  • Take your bulb syringe and push all the air out from it. This can be done by placing your thumb on the bulb.
Bulb syringes help suction the nose in case of severe congestion

Bulb syringes help suction the nose in case of severe congestion

  • Once all the air is out, gently insert the bulb syringe into the nostril in a way that it becomes sealed.
  • Now, slowly release the pressure from the bulb. This will rush the air back into the bulb. The suctioning effect thus created will pull the mucus from the nose into the bulb.
  • Remove the bulb syringe from the child’s nose and remove the mucus from the bulb into a tissue.
  • Repeat the same procedure in the other nostril as well. You might need to clean each nostril multiple times until nasal congestion is relieved.
  • Clean the tip of the bulb syringe with a tissue followed by washing using warm soapy water.
  • Gently wipe the baby’s nose to remove any traces of mucus. This helps prevent skin irritation.

Use of Bulb Syringe for Oral Cavity

Apart from their nasal uses, bulb syringes can also be employed for suctioning saliva, milk, formula, or mucus from the oral cavity. To do so, the syringe is to be placed into the lower side of the mouth and squeezed to get the fluid into it which can then be cleaned from the bulb.

Tips for Using Bulb Syringes

While using a bulb syringe, keep the following in mind:

  • Wash the bulb syringe after every use. Make sure to clean and dry it thoroughly.
  • Limit suctioning up to four times per day as too much suctioning can cause harm to the mucus membranes.
  • Check if the mucus is too thick to be suctioned. If yes, use nasal saline drops to make it thin. However, if the mucus is non-viscous, the use of saline drops can be eliminated.
bulb syringes can also be used in baby’s mouth

bulb syringes can also be used in baby’s mouth


While using a bulb syringe, make sure to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Never use a bulb syringe too often. This practice can irritate the mucosa of the nasal or oral cavity and cause swelling. Bleeding can also occur when these swollen membranes are suctioned again.
  • Do not suction the baby after feeding as this can result in vomiting. Always do so before feeding or at bedtime.
  • Avoid generating too much pressure while using a bulb syringe. This is because this high pressure can cause severe injuries to the oral or nasal passageway.
  • Never use tap water to thin the mucus consistency. Rather, always employ nasal saline drops for this purpose.

Can Bulb Syringes Be Used for Wound Irrigation?

Yes, bulb syringes can also be employed for wound irrigation. These can squeeze the fluid out of the wounded site and thus help clean it faster. In addition, body cavities can also be cleaned using a bulb syringe.

When it comes to cleaning infected areas, bulb syringes can remove excess debris and wipe away infectious entities.

Can Bulb Syringes Be Used for Wound Irrigation?

Another use of a bulb syringe is in the removal of ear wax when one of both ears gets blocked. This condition is known as wax impaction. The problem usually happens in people whose ears make more wax or whose ears do not clean automatically as they should.

Although the primary treatment should be the use of a few drops of olive oil or ear drops. This should clear the excess wax within a few days. However, if unsuccessful, the use of a bulb syringe is also recommended.

Bulb syringes in the ear can be used at home given the fact that the user remembers not to put too much pressure on the eardrum. In addition, the tip of the syringe must not be poked in the eardrum as a sturdy tip might puncture it. Hence, the use of soft, rubber-based bulb syringes is a safer option.

A bulb syringe is used to squeeze the mucus out of the child's nose

A bulb syringe is used to squeeze the mucus out of the child’s nose

Bulb Syringes at Health Supply 770: Features and Specifications

Bulb syringes are the handheld rubber and plastic-based items that are used to suck the mucus, saliva, milk, or other fluids from the oral or nasal cavity. These bulb syringes are also called nasal aspirators as they can clear out the mucus effectively in case of severe nasal congestion.

Considering their importance, every mother should have a bulb syringe at home to deal with cold and flu episodes. Some of these bulb syringes are also available at Health Supply 770 and have been detailed below along with their features and purchase links:

DYND20125 Sterile Bulb Irrigation Syringe

DYND20125 Sterile Bulb Irrigation Syringe

DYND20125 Sterile Bulb Irrigation Syringe

Product Details

DYND20125 Sterile bulb irrigation syringe is a product of Medline. It is a soft product that comes with a pliable bulb. The tip of the syringe is made up of medical-grade plastic. The shape of the product is such that it can be held easily and used with complete control of the suction process as well as of the expelled volume.

These DYND20125 sterile bulb irrigation syringes offer a good grip to the user. For this reason, their use is vast in clinical setups as well as at homes. The product is sterile and comes in soft packaging with a Tyvek lid.

In addition, these bulb syringes are free from natural rubber latex which can irritate the skin of some patients who are allergic to the material. These can also be employed for irrigating the wounds.

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50

143 Disposable Ear/Ulcer Bulb Syringe, Sterile, Green, 3 oz, CS50


Product Details

143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringe is a sterile product that comes in green color. These syringes have a capacity of up to 3 ounces (oz.). The products have been manufactured by Busse Hospital Disposables and come without any marked graduations on them.

These bulb syringes are made up of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which is strong yet a flexible material. Moreover, 143 disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes are also disposable and must be disposed of after a single use. This saves time and effort for mothers as reusable bulb syringes are to be washed and cleaned after every use.

The tips of these 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes are tapered. This shape helps increase the suction power of the product. Moreover, these bulb syringes can be employed for aspiration or irrigation purposes. In addition, the syringes also carry a pronounced ribbed structure which is for a stronger grip on the product.

These pronounced ribs reduce the risk of syringe slippage during use. Apart from this, this secure grip also ensures that the volume control has been enhanced. Furthermore, the bottom of these bulb syringes has been made flat to allow the product to stand on its own. Each pack of 143 Disposable ear/ulcer bulb syringes contains 50 pieces packed in plastic pouches available at the above-mentioned price. The dimensions of the product are 2.35 x 1.42 x 1.11 inches and each bulb syringe only weighs 1.76 ounces.

*Note: The prices mentioned in the article are taken from the Health Supply 770 website. These may vary over time.

Nasal aspirators are made up of rubber and are thus easily squeezable

Nasal aspirators are made up of rubber and are thus easily squeezable

The bulb syringes mentioned in this article, along with many other medical supplies, can be purchased from Health Supply 770, a reliable name when it comes to medical products. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee and provide your products to you in the shortest possible time. Click the link at the end of the article to check the wide range of products for babies.


Nasal congestion is a common problem among younger children who are often affected by the seasonal cold and flu. In such cases, it becomes difficult for the babies to breathe as mucus fills their nose and sometimes mouth. Therefore, there is a need to clean this mucus out to facilitate the respiration process.

In this regard, the use of bulb syringes is important. These are rubber and plastic-based products that are to be placed in the nasal and oral cavity for suctioning the mucus or other fluids. Their use is easy and these are available in both disposable as well as reusable options.

As these bulb syringes are in high demand, especially among mothers who take care of their young children, many brands make these products and market them. For purchasing different kinds of bulb syringes, reliable vendors like Health Supply 770 should be approached. They ensure the provision of quality products along with satisfactory services.




Uzma Zafar

PhD Scholar (Pharmaceutics), MPhil (Pharmaceutics), Pharm D, B. Sc.

Uzma Zafar is a dedicated and highly motivated pharmaceutical professional currently pursuing her PhD in Pharmaceutics at the Punjab University College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab. With a comprehensive academic and research background, Uzma has consistently excelled in her studies, securing first division throughout her educational journey.

Uzma’s passion for the pharmaceutical field is evident from her active engagement during her Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) program, where she not only mastered industrial techniques and clinical case studies but also delved into marketing strategies and management skills.

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