Why Blood Cortisol Levels Matter: A Guide to Your Testing Kit

blood cortisol levels

What is Cortisol?

Stress being a major precursor of elevated blood cortisol levels in the body
Stress being a major precursor of elevated blood cortisol levels in the body

Why do Blood Cortisol Levels Matter?

Factors Affecting Cortisol Release from Adrenal Glands

What is a Cortisol Test?

Significance of Cortisol Test

● Addison’s Disease

● Cushing’s Syndrome

● Tumorous Mass in the Adrenal Glands

● Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency

Who Needs a Blood Cortisol Levels Test?

If there is too much cortisol in the body:

If there is too little cortisol in the body:

Weight gain being one of the indications of high cortisol level in the body
Weight gain being one of the indications of high cortisol level in the body

How to Conduct a Cortisol Test?

Cortisol Blood Test

Cortisol Urine Test

Cortisol Saliva Test

Blood samples were taken for the analysis of cortisol level in the body
Blood samples were taken for the analysis of cortisol level in the body

Cortisol Test Kits

Cortisol Test KitSample RequiredResult Obtaining Duration (Days)Price (USD)
Rx Home Test Diurnal Cortisol TestSaliva2 to 5$119.99
MyLAB Box Adrenal Stress TestSaliva2 to 5$149
LetsGetChecked Cortisol TestBlood2 to 5$99
HRT.org Cortisol Saliva TestSaliva5 to 7$86
GSL Blood Serum Cortisol Home Test KitBlood2 to 7$74.99
Blood cortisol levels being estimated by a urine test
Blood cortisol levels being estimated by a urine test


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PhD Scholar (Pharmaceutics), MPhil (Pharmaceutics), Pharm D, B. Sc.